
Innovative Bioresearch: crypto currency for solving acute medical problems

Innovative Bioresearch is a private biotechnology company based in Italy. It was founded by a research scientist Jonathan Fiore in order to conduct research and implement innovations in the fight against HIV and cancer.
Non-standard approach
The creators of the project suggest using salamander fibroblasts in the treatment of dangerous diseases that humanity can not cope with yet.
Among vertebrates, urodele amphibians (salamanders) are the only quadrupeds able to regenerate complex structures, such as limbs, tail and spinal cord throughout their life. In addition, it was shown that the salamander regeneration process eliminates tumors.
Fibroblasts are necessary for the regeneration of the salamander, but the mechanisms underlying the regeneration remain unclear. The role of fibroblasts in the regeneration of the extremities of the salamander and their activity can be compared with the role of human fibroblasts. In addition, the question remains whether the salamander's tissue can regenerate and regress tumors in animals with a limited ability to regenerate. A deeper understanding of these processes can lead to the development of new regenerative and anticancer therapies.
Principles of creating a project
· Carrying out oncological diseases research and AIDS
· Creation of a decentralized database and their processing
· Creation of an application that provides the user with full information, support and services for the treatment of cancer and HIV.
· Issue a token to purchase any items: for example, ultra-fast machines from the online garage project.
The importance of the project: the identification of the problem
Traditionally, all the data obtained as a result of scientific research is collected in the form of a scientific article that is published in a scientific journal that has undergone an independent examination and is usually published in a public database.
When the new therapeutic technology, for example, as an innovative cell therapy for HIV with the help of the drug for the infusion of SupT1 cells, passes through several stages of clinical studies, different research groups around the world can conduct the necessary experiments. And once the therapy is finally approved for the treatment of people, all doctors around the world begin to prescribe patients.
This means that when the research team wants to conduct clinical studies, it needs to go through a tedious and time-consuming process of searching for all the information provided on previous studies, reading all the documents, selecting useful data and making all possible interpretations of the data to form a protocol. With its help, it will be possible to carry out tests and verification to create a typology of customers. In fact, each patient may have different individual characteristics (for example, age, ethnicity, HIV-tropism) and, consequently, personalized treatment protocols may be required. What to do?
Possible solution: a decentralized database using clinical data storage
A possible solution is to create a decentralized database using blockchain technology. In the process of implementing the project, you will create an application "You are not alone". The application will have a convenient interface, allowing any physician conducting clinical research to enter data obtained during their trials. The application will allow for a wide range of individual parameters for each patient, for example, age, ethnicity, stage of disease progression, viral tropism of HIV, and the clinical protocol used.
Applicability of the INNBC token
Tokens are usually not supported by the cost of real goods, which means that there is nothing that would prevent them from losing value other than trusting the platform. However, the project provides something else for our crypt owners. In Innovative Bioresearch, they love JDM cars. Therefore, during the implementation of the token, the process of selling JDM machines will be launched.
The project team
Road map
Connect to the project now
The medical direction has a great potential in the crypto-currency sphere. You can invest and participate in the ICO on the project website .



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